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Holisitic Home Kit



Personal inhalers are the perfect on-the-go aromatherapy tool.

All inhalers and my blends are made with 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils. Blended with intention, infused with reiki and made with love.

Inhalers are about the size of a lip balm. Very convenient to carry with you no matter where you go. Just breathe deeply while inhaling the aroma and enjoy the benefits. It's convenient, and it works!


• Sleep –Tangerine, juniper berry, lavender, chamomile ,vetiver

• Anger – Bergamot, Clary sage, Cyprus, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang

• Anxiety -Frankincense, Clary sage, Geranium, Lavender, Orange

• Nausea – Fennel, Peppermint, Ginger, Clove , Black pepper

• Congestion -  Lemon, tea tree, peppermint and eucalyptus

 • Headache – Lemongrass, Rosemary, Lavender, Spearmint, Clove


To use your personal inhaler, hold it just inside your nostril and inhale slowly. Count 1,2,3,4,5 as you slowly inhale, hold your breath for another count of 5, and then slowly exhale.
This slow inhalation helps your body absorb and utilize the essential oil. It gives the essential oil molecules a chance to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Once they are there, they can be delivered throughout the body and to the brain as needed.
Repeat the above procedure up to three times for each nostril. You can use your nasal inhaler every 2-3 hours as needed. The inhaler should last about 3-6 months, longer if you use it less often.



Personal inhalers can be a convenient and effective way to address various symptoms such as congestion, headaches, sleep issues, anxiety, and anger. While inhalers are commonly associated with respiratory conditions like asthma, there are specialized inhalers designed to deliver essential oils or other aromatic compounds for specific purposes. Here's how personal inhalers can potentially help with the mentioned symptoms:


  • Congestion: Inhalers containing essential oils like Lemon, tea tree, peppermint and eucalyptus can help clear nasal passages and relieve congestion. These oils have natural decongestant properties and can provide a refreshing sensation when inhaled.

  • Headaches: Certain essential oils, such as Lemongrass, Rosemary, Lavender, Spearmint and Clove are known for their analgesic and calming effects. Inhaling these oils through a personal inhaler may help alleviate headaches and promote relaxation.

  • Sleep: Sleep –Tangerine, juniper berry, lavender, chamomile and vetiver essential oils are commonly used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Inhaling these oils before bedtime using a personal inhaler may help create a soothing environment and enhance sleep.

  • Anxiety: Several essential oils, including Frankincense, Clary sage, Geranium, Lavender and Orange are believed to have anxiety-reducing properties. Inhaling these oils through a personal inhaler can create a calming effect and aid in managing anxiety symptoms.

  • Anger: Some essential oils, such as Bergamot, Clary sage, Cyprus, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang, are considered to have mood-balancing properties. Inhaling these oils using a personal inhaler may help promote a sense of calmness and reduce anger or irritability.


Some people may have sensitivities or allergies to certain oils, so it's advisable to perform a patch test or consult a healthcare professional before regular use, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking any medications.

Thanks for visiting!!

Personal Inhalers, Congestion, Nausea, Headache, Anger, Anxiety, Sleep, *Reiki

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