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Intentionally crafted
Plants & Oils for
Harmonic Balance

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The Moonberry Apothecary is  dedicated to 100% natural body and wellness products for all members of the family. Proudly supporting Canadian business when possible and using certified organic compensates. Foraging on local mountains and growing garden herbs, creating healing synergies for a personalized health approach.


energetically elevating our daily routines
to thrive




To be self sustainable and live oft the land, to share my hand made healing remedies and inspire others to live in their divinity and alignment with Mother Earth. 


I promise to intuitively work with the plant medicine and ethically harvest local foraging, to grow what I can and to respect all living beings to the best of my ability. To put my heart, soul and loving frequency vibes into anything I lay my hands on.  


Within neutrality of challenges our will becomes aligned with Divinity.

With momentum of self discipline true potential is attained. 

Honouring the true essence of plants and herbs by giving thanks and inviting teachings.


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Upgrading  cells with potent natural vitality.

Mother Earth is  providing us with healing modalities to improve our immune system and create long lasting harmonic balance within body, mind and spirit. 





We grow good and herbs to use in our infusion. Local foraging in the Mountains ands by the Sea Shore. Made in small batches in North Vancouver.

Connect with Me

North Vancouver, BC  /  Tel. 778-877-7161

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